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Monday, December 13, 2004

Football-related program activities 

Way back on August 3rd, even before my baseball trip, I bought tickets to see the Buccaneers play the Chargers in San Diego. Finally, the game actually happened on Sunday, so I drove down with Jason (a friend from college) and Joe (a friend from work). Surprisingly, the two never really came to blows, although it probably didn't hurt that Jason spent much of the drive asleep in the back seat.

Joe brought a camera, so courtesy of him, I have these photos to share.

Me getting off the trolley before the game. Note that there's other Bucs paraphernalia in the crowd. Seems quite a few people dug their Bucs apparel out of mothballs. Errict Rhett is a former Bucs player I hadn't thought about in a while, but I saw not one, but two people with his jersey...

The view from our seats, which were in the very last row of the lower deck. There was a TV overhead showing the game broadcast, and the problem I kept having when there was a penalty is that I'd look up at the TV to see what penalty was being called, and then because we were sitting on the opposite side of the field from the TV cameras, it would look to me like the referee's arm was pointing the wrong way...

The crowd waiting to get on the trolley after the game (this picture was taken from the ramp leading up to the trolley station; presumably, a lot of the people this far back in line had to come all the way down from the upper deck)...

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