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Friday, May 27, 2005

Here's what's going on 

Sorry I haven't updated this in a while, but various things have been going on in my life. Which, I know, means I should have updated this sooner. I moved to a new apartment, for one thing, but I don't have DSL installed there yet -- and because of various bizarreness involving the phone company, I may not have it for a month. (See, even though I've been a customer since 1999, I have no credit history with my new phone account, so getting DSL would involve a $200 deposit and I wouldn't be able to get the special price, at least until my credit history catches up with me, as they said on the phone.)

Right now, I'm posting this from the Apple store at the Victoria Gardens mall in Rancho Cucamonga. What am I doing here on a normal business day? Well, that's another story in and of itself.

I decided I might as well go for a drive today, so I took old Route 66 east and ended up here. There didn't seem to be too many old-timey buildings along Route 66, just a couple old-looking motels and a drive-thru shoe repair place that claimed "since 1919" and had an old sign. Everything else along the drive was just the random trappings of suburbia, although I did see what looked like a brand-new A&W/KFC restaurant in Upland, so I'll probably stop there for lunch on the way back.

All the old-looking stuff is here at Victoria Gardens, which is an outdoor mall that opened fairly recently, and which is supposed to look like a downtown shopping area, to the extent that they have fake old-looking signs, presumably for businesses that used to be located in the buildings, above the modern signs for Banana Republic, the Gap, and such, and they also have fake old ads painted on some of the walls. Also, there's music playing from hidden speakers, just like at Disneyland. The most egregious problem is that they seem to have decided that "Main Street" should be spelled "Mainstreet"; there's a South Mainstreet and a North Mainstreet.

That's about it for now. I think they want me to buy a G5, but I don't have the money right now, so I'd better stop taking up space at this computer.

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