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Thursday, August 04, 2005

I think I smell Pulitzer 

How big a deal is the upcoming change in the format of TV Guide? Big enough that a newspaper columnist in New Hampshire used me as an expert. (I swear, I told him I lived in Van Nuys, California, and yet he identified me as a "Florida collector"; I must have confused him by talking about where I grew up and first got interested in TV Guide's local editions.)

Edited later to add: Since I have a Google News Alert set up for "Ellwanger," I just had the delightful experience of getting a news alert for myself, which looked like this...

TV Guide collectors bid farewell to pop-culture icon
Nashua Telegraph - Nashua,NH,USA
... standup routine in that episode is an observation that TV Guide
is America's most-thrown magazine," recalls Florida collector
Jim Ellwanger, who moderates ...

Yeah, but wouldn't it be even weirder if you got alerted to a news story in which you were MURDERED?!?!


Actually I think that's what happened to Tammy Wynette, right?
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