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Comcast Greater Los Angeles EditionNovember 15-21, 1997MediaOne Los Angeles Edition[2] KCBS (CBS) Los Angeles [4] KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles [5] KTLA (WB) Los Angeles [7] KABC (ABC) Los Angeles [9] KCAL (Ind.) Los Angeles [11] KTTV (Fox) Los Angeles [13] KCOP (UPN) Los Angeles [18] KSCI (Ind.) Los Angeles [22] KWHY (Ind.) Los Angeles [28]-(3) KCET (PBS) Los Angeles [34] KMEX (UNI) Los Angeles [40] KTBN (TBN) Los Angeles [50] KOCE (PBS) Huntington Beach [52]-(32) KVEA (TEL) Los Angeles [56]-(46) KDOC (Ind.) Anaheim [58]-(42) KLCS (PBS) Los Angeles (A&E)-(49) A&E Network (AMC)-(66) American Movie Classics (BET)-(97) Black Entertainment Television (BRV)-(68) Bravo (CNN)-(55) Cable News Network (CAR)-(12) Cartoon Network (MAX)-(19) Cinemax (MX2)-(20) Cinemax 2 (CNB)-(58) CNBC (COM)-(48) Comedy Central (CRT)-(71) Court TV (CSP)-(56) C-SPAN (DSC)-(53) The Discovery Channel (DIS)-(28) The Disney Channel (E!)-(73) E! Entertainment Television (ENC)-(26) Encore (ESN)-(64) ESPN (ES2)-(65) ESPN2 (FAM)-(15) The Family Channel (FNC)-(54) Fox News Channel (FSA)-(31) Fox Sports Americas (FSW)-(60) Fox Sports West (FX)-(10) fX (FXM)-(67) FXM: Movies from Fox (GAL)-(33) Galavision (GLF)-(63) The Golf Channel (HIS)-(52) The History Channel (HBO)-(21) Home Box Office (HB2)-(23) Home Box Office 2 (HB3)-(24) Home Box Office 3 (TLC)-(72) The Learning Channel (LIF)-(38) Lifetime (TMC)-(17) The Movie Channel (MTV)-(96) Music Television (TNN)-(98) The Nashville Network (NIK)-(14) Nickelodeon (OL)-(62) Outdoor Life (PPV)-(75) Pay-Per-View (PPV)-(76) Pay-Per-View (PPV)-(77) Pay-Per-View (listed in grids only) (PPV)-(78) Pay-Per-View (PPV)-(79) Pay-Per-View (SCI)-(74) Sci-Fi Channel (SHO)-(27) Showtime (SV)-(61) Speedvision (STZ)-(25) Starz! (TBS)-(1) TBS SuperStation (TCM)-(69) Turner Classic Movies (TNT)-(6) Turner Network Television (TVL)-(16) TV Land (USA)-(8) USA Network (VH1)-(95) VH1 (WGN)-(99) WGN (Chicago; WB)Notes: [62]-(51) KRCA (Ind.) Los Angeles, (H&G) Home & Garden Television, and (MSN) MSNBC are indicated in the conversion guide/channel lineup as listed channels, but are not; (BET)-(97) is listed as [57] in the conversion guide. Contains weekend afternoon grids, which don't list all channels. September 11-17, 1999MediaOne Los Angeles Edition[2] KCBS (CBS) Los Angeles [4] KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles [5] KTLA (WB) Los Angeles [7] KABC (ABC) Los Angeles [9] KCAL (Ind.) Los Angeles [11] KTTV (Fox) Los Angeles [13] KCOP (UPN) Los Angeles [18] KSCI (Ind.) Los Angeles [22] KWHY (Ind.) Los Angeles [28]-(3) KCET (PBS) Los Angeles [30] KPXN (PAX) Los Angeles [34] KMEX (UNI) Los Angeles [40] KTBN (TBN) Los Angeles [50] KOCE (PBS) Huntington Beach [52]-(32) KVEA (TEL) Los Angeles [56]-(46) KDOC (Ind.) Anaheim [58]-(42) KLCS (PBS) Los Angeles (A&E)-(49) A&E Network (ACT) Action (PPV) (listed in grids only) (AMC)-(66) American Movie Classics (BET)-(97)-"/99/" Black Entertainment Television (BRV)-(68)-"/48/" Bravo (CNN)-(55) Cable News Network (CAR)-(12)-"/10/" Cartoon Network (MAX)-(19)-"/28/" Cinemax (CNB)-(58) CNBC (COM)-(48)-"/17/" Comedy Central (CRT) Court TV (CSP)-(77)-"/56/" C-SPAN (DSC)-(53) Discovery Channel (DIS)-(28)-"/12/" Disney Channel (E!)-(73) E! Entertainment Television (ENC)-(26) Encore (ESN)-(64) ESPN (ES2)-(65) ESPN 2 (FAM)-(15) Fox Family Channel (FNC)-(54)-"/37/" Fox News Channel (FSW)-(60) Fox Sports West (FSE)-(31)-"/33/" Fox Sports World Espanol (FX)-(10)-"/19/" FX (FXM)-(67) FXM: Movies from Fox (GV)-(33)-"/31/" Galavision (GLF)-(63) The Golf Channel (HIS)-(52) The History Channel (H&G)-(70)-"/54/" Home & Garden Television (HBO)-(21) HBO (HBOF)-"/80/" HBO Family (HBOP)-(23) HBO Plus (HBOS)-(24) HBO Signature (TLC)-(72) The Learning Channel (LIF)-(47) Lifetime (MMX)-(20)-"/29/" MoreMax (TMC)-(17)-"/79/" The Movie Channel (MTV)-(96) Music Television (TNN)-(98) The Nashville Network (NIK)-(14) Nickelodeon (QVC)-(37)-"/70/" QVC (SCI)-(74) Sci-Fi Channel (SHO)-(27) Showtime (SV)-(61) Speedvision (STZ)-(25) Starz! (SND)-"/81/" Sundance Channel (TBS)-(1) TBS SuperStation (TCM)-(69) Turner Classic Movies (TNT)-(6) Turner Network Television (TVL)-(16) TV Land (USA)-(8) USA Network (VC) Pay-Per-View (listed in grids only) (VC2) Pay-Per-View (6PM-4AM) (listed in grids only) (VC4) Pay-Per-View (listed in grids only) (VC5) Pay-Per-View (listed in grids only) (VH1)-(95) VH1 (WGN)-(99)-"/71/" WGN (Chicago; WB)Note: "/xx/" is Hollywood/Westside/Culver City channel number when different from rest of Los Angeles. May 30-June 5, 2004Comcast Greater Los Angeles Edition[2] KCBS (CBS) Los Angeles [4] KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles [5] KTLA (WB) Los Angeles [7] KABC (ABC) Los Angeles [9] KCAL (Ind.) Los Angeles [11] KTTV (Fox) Los Angeles [13] KCOP (UPN) Los Angeles [18] KSCI (Ind.) Los Angeles [22] KWHY (Ind.) Los Angeles [28]-(3) KCET (PBS) Los Angeles [30] KPXN (PAX) Los Angeles [34]-(10) KMEX (UNI) Los Angeles [40]-(17) KTBN (TBN) Los Angeles [50]-(16) KOCE (PBS) Huntington Beach [52]-(12) KVEA (TEL) Los Angeles [56]-(19) KDOC (Ind.) Anaheim [58]-(15) KLCS (PBS) Los Angeles (A&E)-(49) A&E Network (FAM)-(55) ABC Family (AMC)-(46) AMC (APL)-(71) Animal Planet (BET)-(52) BET (BRV)-(75)-"/76/" Bravo (CNN)-(37) Cable News Network (CAR)-(57) Cartoon Network (MAX)-(96) Cinemax (CNB)-(33) CNBC (COM)-(67) Comedy Central (CRT)-(68) Court TV (CSP)-(69) C-SPAN (DSC)-(73) Discovery Channel (DIS)-(54) Disney Channel (E!)-(51) E! Entertainment Television (ENC)-(99) Encore (ESN)-(64) ESPN (ES2)-(65) ESPN 2 (FMC) Fox Movie Channel (FNC)-(32) Fox News Channel (FSN)-(60) Fox Sports Net (FSN2)-(61) Fox Sports Net 2 (prime-time grids only) (FSE)-(62) Fox Sports en Espanol (FX)-(43) FX (GV)-(79) Galavision (GLF)-(63) The Golf Channel (HAL) Hallmark Channel (HBO)-(95) HBO (HBOF) HBO Family (HBO2) HBO 2 (HBOS) HBO Signature (HIS)-(72) The History Channel (H&G)-(74) Home & Garden Television (IN3) In Demand 3 (LIF)-(47) Lifetime (LMN) Lifetime Movie Network (prime-time grids only) (MMX) MoreMax (TMC)-(97) The Movie Channel (MSN)-"/34/" MSNBC (MTV)-(58) MTV (NIK)-(56) Nickelodeon (OXY)-(59)-"/77/" Oxygen (prime-time grids only) (QVC)-(6) QVC (SCI)-(66) Sci-Fi Channel (SHO)-(98) Showtime (SPD) The Speed Channel (SPK)-(45) Spike TV (STZ)-"/81/" Starz! (SND) Sundance Channel (TBS)-(41) TBS SuperStation (TLC)-(48) TLC (TCM) Turner Classic Movies (TNT)-(42) Turner Network Television (TVG)-(29)-"/28/" The TV Guide Channel (prime-time grids only) (TVL)-(44) TV Land (USA)-(40) USA Network (VH1)-(50) VH1 (WGN)-(25) WGN (Chicago) (WE) Women's Entertainment (prime-time grids only)Note: "/xx/" is Hollywood/Westside/Culver City channel number when different from rest of Los Angeles. February 13-19, 2005[2] KCBS (CBS) Los Angeles [4] KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles [5] KTLA (WB) Los Angeles [7] KABC (ABC) Los Angeles [9] KCAL (Ind.) Los Angeles [11] KTTV (Fox) Los Angeles [13] KCOP (UPN) Los Angeles [18] KSCI (Ind.) Los Angeles [22] KWHY (Ind.) Los Angeles [24] KVCR (PBS) San Bernardino (prime-time grids only) [28]-(3) KCET (PBS) Los Angeles [30] KPXN (PAX) Los Angeles [34]-(10) KMEX (UNI) Los Angeles [40]-(17) KTBN (TBN) Los Angeles [46]-(21) KFTR (TF) Ontario (prime-time grids only) [50]-(16) KOCE (PBS) Huntington Beach [52]-(12) KVEA (TEL) Los Angeles [56]-(19) KDOC (Ind.) Anaheim [58]-(15) KLCS (PBS) Los Angeles (A&E)-(49) A&E Network (FAM)-(55) ABC Family (AMC)-(46) AMC (APL)-(71) Animal Planet (BET)-(52) BET (BRV)-(75)-"/76/" Bravo (CNN)-(37) Cable News Network (prime-time grids only) (CAR)-(57) Cartoon Network (CNB)-(33) CNBC (prime-time grids only) (COM)-(67) Comedy Central (CMT)-"/59/" Country Music Television (prime-time grids only) (CRT)-(68) Court TV (CSP)-(69) C-SPAN (DSC)-(73) Discovery Channel (DIS)-(54) Disney Channel (E!)-(51) E! Entertainment Television (ESN)-(64) ESPN (ES2)-(65) ESPN 2 (TVF)-(53) Food Network (FMC) Fox Movie Channel (FNC)-(32) Fox News Channel (prime-time grids only) (FSE)-(62) Fox Sports en Espanol (prime-time grids only) (FSN)-(60) FSN (FSN2)-(61) FSN 2 (prime-time grids only) (FX)-(43) FX (GV)-(79) Galavision (GLF)-(63) The Golf Channel (HIS)-(72) The History Channel (H&G)-(74) Home & Garden Television (LIF)-(47) Lifetime (MSN)-(34) MSNBC (prime-time grids only) (MTV)-(58) MTV (NIK)-(56) Nickelodeon (OXY)-(59)-"/77/" Oxygen (prime-time grids only) (QVC)-(6) QVC (SCI)-(66) Sci-Fi Channel (SPK)-(45) Spike TV (TBS)-(41) TBS SuperStation (TLC)-(48) TLC (TRV)-(76)-"/75/" Travel Channel (TNT)-(42) Turner Network Television (TVG)-(29)-"/28/" TV Guide Channel (prime-time grids only) (TVL)-(44) TV Land (USA)-(40) USA Network (VH1)-(50) VH1 (WGN)-(25) WGN (Chicago) Digital Channels (AMAX)-(343) ActionMax (prime-time grids only) (BBCA)-(241) BBC America (prime-time grids only) (BIOG)-(243) Biography Channel (prime-time grids only) (BSTZ)-(323) Black Starz! (MAX)-(341) Cinemax (CSTV)-(230) College Sports TV (prime-time grids only) (DSCH)-(226) Discovery Health (prime-time grids only) (HOME)-(231) Discovery Home (prime-time grids only) (DSCK)-(221) Discovery Kids (prime-time grids only) (ENC)-(326) Encore (ACTN)-(204) Encore: Action (LOVE)-(205) Encore: Love Stories (MYST)-(206) Encore: Mystery (TRUE)-(207) Encore: True Stories (WAM!)-(209) Encore: WAM! (prime-time grids only) (WEST)-(208) Encore: Westerns (prime-time grids only) (ECL)-(121) ESPN Classic (prime-time grids only) (FLIX)-(366) Flix (prime-time grids only) (FMC)-(211) Fox Movie Channel (GSN)-(135) GSN (prime-time grids only) (HAL)-(137) Hallmark Channel (HBO)-(301) HBO (HBO2)-(302) HBO 2 (HBOC)-(305) HBO Comedy (prime-time grids only) (HBOF)-(304) HBO Family (HBOL)-(307) HBO Latino (HBOS)-(303) HBO Signature (IN3)-(403) In Demand 3 (prime-time grids only) (IFC)-(202) Independent Film Channel (prime-time grids only) (LMN)-(212) Lifetime Movie Network (prime-time grids only) (MMAX)-(342) MoreMax (TMC)-(381) The Movie Channel (TMCX)-(382) The Movie Channel Xtra (NGEO)-(142) National Geographic (prime-time grids only) (NFL)-(244) NFL Network (prime-time grids only) (NGAS)-(224) Nickelodeon Games and Sports (prime-time grids only) (NOG)-(223) Noggin (prime-time grids only) (OC)-(252) Outdoor Channel (prime-time grids only) (OLN)-(128) Outdoor Life Network (prime-time grids only) (SCIC)-(227) The Science Channel (prime-time grids only) (SHO)-(361) Showtime (SHOF)-(368) Showtime Family (SHOC)-(363) Showtime Showcase (SHO2)-(362) Showtime Too (SPD)-(251) The Speed Channel (STZ)-(321) Starz! (STZC)-(325) Starz! Cinema (STZT)-(322) Starz! Theater (STY)-(138) Style (prime-time grids only) (SUND)-(201) Sundance Channel (TMAX)-(344) ThrillerMax (prime-time grids only) (TCM)-(132) Turner Classic Movies (WE)-(136) Women's Entertainment (prime-time grids only)Note: (xx) is South Los Angeles/Inglewood; "/xx/" is Hollywood/Westchester when different from South L.A. lineup. |
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