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Oracularities from Digests 1300-13991319-05I wrote this answer in June 2003. Sorry, Red Sox fans. The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was: Oh Oracle wise and true, riddle me this: Will the Red Sox ever win the World Series? Is this the year? And in response, thus spake the Oracle: } (Whoops! I just discovered this question and answer had been in the } Outlook Express outbox for the last 85 years. Hey, when you answer as } many questions as I do, something's bound to fall through the cracks. } -- TIO) } } Yes, this will be another superb year for the Red Stockings (sorry, I } don't like the new, somewhat vulgar shortened form of the name that you } used), as they take the pennant of the American League, and then defeat } the Cubs of the National League in the World Series. Add that to their } World Champion titles earlier in this decade, and they will be known } throughout history as the Team of the 1910s. } } By the way, their good fortune may even continue into the Twenties. I } am very impressed with certain future prospects for the Red Stockings. } Keep an eye on one player in particular, a George H. Ruth. He is a } very good pitcher, but he is also an exceptionally good hitter, such } that the team may have to make him a position player so that he can hit } every day. If they do that, I think he could hit as many as 30 home } runs in a single season! Needless to say, I predict that the Red } Stockings will dominate the major leagues for as long as Mr. Ruth plays } for the team. } } You owe the Oracle tickets to all future Red Stockings-Cubs World } Series. |
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