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Classic Scripts
"It's the new terminal. The one your airline's serving now."
By Jim Ellwanger...Aired October 14, 1995
"A toucan killed my grandfather during the Big One!"
By Jim Ellwanger...Aired November 11, 1995
"Get lost, Creamsicle, I'm counting by minutes!"
The Christmas episode, by Jim Ellwanger...Aired December 2, 1995
"What about the little guy who...just struggles by on good old fashioned porn?"
By Aaron Odland...Aired January 13, 1996
"Delight of golden cake and artificial cream filling haunts Bizarro Monkey Boy."
By Aaron Odland...Aired January 27, 1996
"Pero Johnny esta con muchas mujers porque el es un hombre suave."
By Aaron Odland...Aired February 3, 1996
"Remember, life is good, bombs planted in hockey arenas is bad."
By Jim Ellwanger...Aired February 24, 1996
"That's why I built a timing device into the ejection seat."
By Jim Ellwanger...Aired April 6, 1996
Legal Excitement: The scripts contained on the pages which are linked to from this page are ©1995 or 1996 by the author named. All rights reserved. Some cars not for use with some sets.